Wand Making

This is the very first wand that I have ever made. It was made very simply with copper wire and a clear quartz crystal. Although wands can assist in spells, this wand was primarily designed to be a healing wand. Due to it's twisted wire design, it takes a little more focus to channel energy through it since there is no straight path. However, it's been proven to be an excellent tool for relieving pain. It's much more affective than a clear quartz crystal would be on it's own.

There are sites out there that have pre-made wands for sell, but I decided to make my own since I wanted it to be a personal tool. That does not make buying a pre-made wand inherently bad. It's just that the wand will likely be more attuned to your own energy and be easier for you to work with if it is a personal creation. However, this can also be said for any wand that you feel suits your character. It's just a personal choice. Many pagans who work with wands simply find a stick in their yard that catches their eye. No matter where you get your wand, it's all about whether you have made a personal connection with said wand.

I may start selling pre-made wands in the future. If anyone would be interested in this, please let me know.

Also, if anyone would like to share their wand making experience or thoughts, please do so as well.


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