Seeing Is Believing?

The human body is a multi-sensor probe that is designed to sense and analyze it's surroundings. However, much more emphasis is given on the sense of sight. You have more than likely heard someone say "When I see it, I'll believe it." at some point in your life. Why is this? Why is seeing something so important to validation. Why do we discredit our other senses so easily? If we hear a train, why would we rather see the train rather than just assume that there is a train near by?

Day 11 / 365 - Touching static

There is one sense in particular that we tend to discredit above all others, and that sense is intuitive awareness. If you feel something that your physical senses can't pick up on, what makes that any less real than your other senses? The answer is likely that it is learned. We learn to rely on one sense above any others. Those who become blind or deaf later in their lives learn this the hard way. However, we don't have to let those senses stagnate. We can work on them like we would a body part that has been hardly used in order to strengthen it.

It's OK to do so. Nobody will know unless you tell them.

Photo from Jason Roger's Flickr Page.


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